Whether you are a urology nurse, a surgeon, a GP, an allied health professional, or a rehabilitation professional, thank you for all you do to support people affected bladder cancer.
Quick links
- Order free Information Booklets for your patients to be sent by post or email
- Order a free reference folder of Information Booklets for your office
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- Order free posters, flyers, and leaflets
- Order free materials for awareness and fundraising
- Order free materials for GP surgeries
- Read our list of clinical trials that are currently recruiting UK bladder cancer patients
- Our private online forum on Facebook is open 24/7 for patient support
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Our resources are produced in collaboration with patients and carers. They are endorsed by the British Association of Urological Nurses, the British Association of Urological Surgeons, the British Uro-Oncology Group, and The Urology Foundation.
Ravi’s Story
‘Fight Bladder Cancer became my friend when I really needed one, shortly after being diagnosed. I am so pleased that there is a charity looking out for every patient and doing its best to drive research, be heard, educate and share developments on a worldwide basis.
I will forever support the charity because of this and the fact that unfortunately, so many more people will be needing this friend whether they or a loved one is diagnosed’

Johnstone’ Story
Despite initial discomfort discussing cancer with his doctor, Johnstone – a retired GP – emphasises the importance of patient-clinician communication. Through laughter, tears, and shared experiences with fellow patients, Johnstone navigated the challenges of post-bladder surgery life, addressing taboo topics like sexual dysfunction with openness and support.