
The trustees’ role is to ensure that the charity keeps to its stated objectives and is run fully in accordance with all current UK charity law. Thank you to our trustees for all they do to help Fight Bladder Cancer grow.

Fight Bladder Cancer, initially an unincorporated charity registered on 8 July 2014 under the charity number 1157763, underwent significant structural changes. On 19 April 2023, the Charity Commission of England and Wales approved the merger of this unincorporated charity with the newly established Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). This newly formed CIO, registered on 28 April 2022 under the number 1198773, incorporated the operations and assets of the unincorporated charity. Additionally, Fight Bladder Cancer was recognised by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator as a cross-border charity in Scotland on 27 July 2022, receiving the registration number SC051881. The charity overview for the unincorporated charity is accessible via the Charity Commission’s unincorporated charity overview. For the Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), details can be found on the Charity Commission’s CIO charity overview page. Additionally, the charity’s details as registered with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator are available on their official website.

Dr Andrew Dearden


Dr Andrew Dearden (MBChB FRCGP DGM DCCH)  has been happily married for over 35 years, with three wonderful daughters, three marvellous son-in-laws and 5 grandchildren. He qualified as a GP in 1994, practicing in the Cardiff area. He was active in the British Medical Association serving in various roles both at Wales and UK levels finally as Treasurer of the British Medical Association until 2018. He has served on several Boards including the British Medical Association and British Medical Journal. He served as Treasurer of the World Medical Association and internal auditor for the CPME (Standing Committee for European Doctors). He returned to full-time GP Clinical work early in 2020 at the outbreak of the Covid pandemic. He has also served on several other charity boards in the past.

“I joined the Trustee board of Fight Bladder Cancer to utilise my medical and financial skills to help develop and expand the excellent work of Fight Bladder Cancer.”

Prof Alison Birtle

Alison is a consultant oncologist, Manchester University Academic Health Science Centre Honorary Clinical Professor, and Honorary Clinical Professor at the University of Central Lancashire. Alison undertook general medical and specialist registrar oncology training in London Charing Cross and Westminster. She completed her MD Thesis at the Institute of Urology, University College London, and the Academic Urology Unit, Royal Marsden Hospital. She is past Chair of the National Cancer Research Institute bladder clinical study group. Her research interests include systemic therapy, chemoradiation, radiotherapy, and survivorship.

“There is much more to do to raise awareness and funding for this common cancer. The patient voice in bladder cancer must be heard.”

Hilary Baker

Hilary Baker is the Macmillan Lead nurse specialist in Uro-oncology at UCLH, having returned to her alma mater in 2014 after a thirty-year gap following her nurse training in 1983. She has worked all her career as a uro-oncology/surgical nurse in a variety of roles. She has an MSC in cancer studies and a BSc (Hons) in cancer and palliative care from Oxford Brookes University and is registered at the Nursing and Midwifery Council as an advanced nurse practitioner and non-medical prescriber. She is also a coach, having recently attained the Foundation Certificate in Transformational Coaching award.

As Lead CNS for Uro-oncology, she provides professional leadership and line-managing a team of CNSs, clinical expertise and management skills across the five tumour sites to deliver a high standard of specialist urological cancer care. She has a leadership and strategic role in developing robust patient pathways across the North Central London Cancer Alliance (NCLCA).

She is currently on a part-time secondment with NCLCA as Clinical Lead, providing professional expertise in developing cancer nursing across pan-London, looking at the existing career and education frameworks to support CNSs transitioning from band 6 to 7.

She is passionate about patient pre-habilitation and rehabilitation following cancer surgery. Outside of work, she enjoys walking with her four dogs, shopping, cooking and spending time with family and friends.

“Being an advocate for the patient, and a link between patient and professionals means I can influence effective patient care. It is immensely challenging at times, but also rewarding as I journey with my patients along their unique cancer pathways. The human race has an amazing ability to change and flourish during times of crisis.”

Valerie Hester

Valerie was the carer of a bladder cancer patient. Before her retirement, she had a long career as a nurse and midwife within the NHS and attained the position of Senior Midwifery Sister in North Powys. She has experience caring for patients with complex needs and worked to improve the quality of services and outcomes for patients and carers. She is passionate about nursing and believes everyone has the right to the highest possible standard of respectful medical care.


“I became a Trustee because Fight Bladder Cancer is a worthy charity. I support its mission. All patients and carers are entitled to be treated with dignity and respect and should be fully involved in decisions affecting their treatment, care, and support.”

Dorothy Markham

Dorothy was diagnosed with bladder cancer in February 2016. During her journey, she realised that there was very little information for the public on bladder cancer. She got in touch with Andrew Winterbottom, founder of Fight Bladder Cancer, who taught her how to raise awareness and work for Fight Bladder Cancer.

Scotland has been her home for over 40 years, so setting up a Scottish steering group four years ago gave her an excellent opportunity to move forward with Fight Bladder Cancer. The group has been able to get face-to-face meetings with many Scottish Members of the Scottish Parliament and keep them advised of developments within Scotland. She hopes to share her experiences in Scotland to create a partnership based on a commitment to raising awareness, offering support and, as with all charities, raising more finance for research staffing and other services.

“As an 86-year-old bladder cancer patient, who was 80 at the time of diagnosis, I have been pleased to share my journey with younger patient, I’m proud to chair the Fight Bladder Cancer Scottish Steering Group and to be a Fight Bladder Cancer trustee. Bladder cancer is overlooked and it’s not fair for the patients. So much work remains to be done to bring bladder cancer improvements up to speed in Scotland and in the UK. My determination to campaign and make the world a better place remains unwavering.”
dorothy [at] fightbladdercancer [dot] co [dot] uk

Paul Michaels

Paul is a bladder cancer patient and a Managing Partner in an IT consulting company. He has many years of experience working for public and private industry clients – helping organisations improve their information technology and save money on their services. His capabilities include benchmarking, evaluation, and governance. His recommendations are based on factual data rather than opinion. Some of his clients include those in the healthcare sector.


“Fight Bladder Cancer has made such a difference to me. With their incredible support, I’ve had many questions answered, shared my worries and made friends for life. Through it all, I’ve had the Wee Family behind me.”

Dr Johnstone Shaw

Retired General Practitioner & Bladder Cancer Patient

Johnstone trained and worked in gynaecology for a number of years before becoming a GP partner on the outskirts of Edinburgh for 35 years. For much of that time he worked at a senior level for NHS Education for Scotland with a special interest in doctor – patient communication and led the team that introduced appraisal for doctors. He developed bladder cancer in 2019 at the age of 64 and had a radical cystoprostatectomy.

“I hope that I can help the work of Fight Bladder Cancer from my experience both as a doctor and as a bladder cancer patient.”
johnstone [at] fightbladdercancer [dot] co [dot] uk

Trustees Reports

2022-2023 Trustees Report


2021-2022 Trustees Report

2020-2021 Trustees Report