Leave a gift in your will
Could better services for people affected by bladder cancer be your lasting legacy?
Why leave a gift in your Will
Your gift can fund better treatments, helping more people to survive bladder cancer in the future.
Bladder cancer is currently the 5th biggest cancer in the UK. 20,000 people are diagnosed annually in the UK. Making a gift in your Will today could get us to the day when more than 50% of people diagnosed are still alive in five years time. A gift in your Will could turn the tide on bladder cancer and help reduce these shocking statistics forever. With new treatments and more research in the future many thousands more loved ones will survive.
“Fight Bladder Cancer is a lifeline to me. I enjoy the fun, feel sadness for the losses, and have hope for the future. I know I have friends at FBC. It is in my Will because I love it so much.”
– Susan
Supporter stories
Stewart and Denise Crowe have pledged a gift to Fight Bladder Cancer in their Will.
Stewart describes himself as a ‘boy-sailor’ who spent 26 years in the military – in the Fleet Air-Arm. He was a keen swimmer and is now a keen cyclist and has worked as a swimming coach since 1987. He lives in Portsmouth with his wife Denise and was 72 years old when he was diagnosed with bladder cancer in May 2019. Here Stewart tells us about his journey with bladder cancer so far and explains why ‘paying it forward’ through a gift in their Will matters so much to him.
“I had been training hard for the London to Brighton cycle ride when on 1 March 2019 I passed blood in my urine for the first time. Hindsight is a great thing, because I reflect now that I had probably been visiting the toilet far more frequently, both during the daytime and especially at night. As with the many stories you hear through our friends at Fight Bladder Cancer, I then went through a frustrating few months of antibiotics for a supposed urinary tract infection, as well as lots of worrying GP call-backs referring to raised prostate specific antigen levels and continuing discomfort and bleeding. Eventually, my doctor gave me a referral to the Urology Unit at Queen Alexandria Hospital in Cosham and on 21 May 2019 the cystoscopy revealed a 5-centimetre tumour on the wall of my bladder, which was fortunately contained within the inner lining of the bladder.

It hasn’t been an easy year, and Covid hasn’t helped, but with great clinical care, the love of my wife and family and maintaining a positive approach I’ve got through it. I’m also fortunate to be in touch with the team at Fight Bladder Cancer and to be supported by members of their fabulous online forum. My ‘Wee buddies’ on the forum are a constant support and place for advice. I know that I can turn to them at any point.
We have left a gift to Fight Bladder Cancer in our Will because we trust them. There are lots of cancer charities, but Fight Bladder Cancer is not generic. They are specialists. I feel that they are there for me, Denise and my family. Their good will and warmth make a real difference. The value of Fight Bladder Cancer is that they are focused and experienced. Their support is specific and personal.
Making a legacy donation is more than just fundraising, it’s personal. I also like that they really are small yet achieve so much. Ultimately we trust that the charity will use our money in the future so they can best help most people. It’s all about leaving a little bit of Denise and me behind to help achieve something good. I’ve spoken with Lydia and Emma and I know it’s not a job for them – it’s a vocation. The team at Fight Bladder Cancer are dedicated, committed, entirely professional and I know that the charity will spend our gift with care.”

How to leave a gift
If you have decided to leave a gift to Fight Bladder Cancer, then thank you – we are really grateful. After you have decided what you’re giving to your family and friends, please consider what sort of gift you want to leave Fight Bladder Cancer. Even the smallest of gifts can make a huge amount of difference to us.
Essential information
Your Will MUST include Fight Bladder Cancer’s name and our address, and Registered Charity Number:
Fight Bladder Cancer, The Village Centre, High Street, Chinnor, Oxfordshire, OX39 4DH
Registered Charity Number 1198773 (England & Wales) / Registered Charity Number SC051881 (Scotland)
If you’re kindly leaving a gift to Fight Bladder Cancer in your Will, we suggest you use the following wording. You must indicate whether you are leaving a percentage or a fixed amount:
“I give to Fight Bladder Cancer, of The Village Centre, High Street, Chinnor, Oxfordshire, OX39 4DH registered charity number [1198773 (England & Wales) / SC051881 (Scotland) ] [______% of my estate] or [the sum of £___________ ], to be used for general charitable purposes absolutely and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or duly authorised officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge.”
If you already have a Will, you can add an amendment (called a Codicil). You will need to use the same wording as above.
Getting help
If you are creating a Will for the first time, then we strongly advise using a solicitor or a Will-writing service. This will ensure your decisions are properly recorded. To find a local Will and probate solicitor in England and Wales, contact The Law Society on 020 7242 1222. In Scotland, contact The Law Society of Scotland on 0131 226 7411.
For extra support and step-by-step guidance visit Remember a Charity.
If you have any questions, please call us on 01844 351621. We can help you through the process.
You might also be interested in finding out about how to donate in memory of a loved one.